A Very Brown's Halloween

Brown's drew a crowd to the Shepherd's Bush Pavilion on Friday night for what was one thriller of a Halloween party. The department store, which is known for their high-end fashion inventory, threw the guests for a loop when they arrived at the now defunct-1920's amphitheater, which was one of the wettest, dirtiest, yet hauntingly apropos venues for the event.

Once inside, guests trekked up a dead escalator to enter the space where ghoulish apparitions were projected on to walls, a thousand carved pumpkins lit-up the venue, and scenes created by various designers (like a bloodbath scene by LP.BG) were tucked into the various hidden corners of the space.

Equally entertaining were the costumes—Henry Holland as Edward Scissorhands, stylist-cum-London-it-girl Hannah Bhuiya as the French Revolution, and Pixie Geldof as, well, not really sure, but she looked great anyway.

—Rebecca Suhrawardi Austin

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